Friday, February 3, 2017

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Well, January is over and the groundhog has spoken. Winter is here for a few more weeks so I've decided to concentrate on the fun stuff and try not to let the cold get to me. I noticed today that the sun was shining longer. Yes, the days are finally getting longer and it's now noticeable. Yeah!

There's no better way to beat the Winter blues than by playing in the snow. I created this layout with some of my favorite Winter photos. Tobogganing is a household favorite. We have so much fun that it doesn't matter if our nose is all red or that the tip of our toes are numb. It's about playing outside as a family. Take a few minutes, bundle up and go play outside. Don't forget to take photos to document the fun days when waiting for snowflakes to hit your tongue was the only thing you had to do.

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